NARA dip skodelica črna 8cm PLAYGROUND


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

PLAYGROUND je sodobna interpretacija lončevine: Aparte dizajni in modne glazure. Uporablja se kot solist ali zanimiv spremljevalec belemu porcelanu. PLAYGROUND je čisti užitek eksperimentiranja, intuitivnega, humornega in profesionalnega. V ta namen PLAYGROUND prinaša zabaven in pester izbor z rednimi posodobitvami. PLAYGROUND zbira trende hrane in namizne posode za eksperimentalne predstavitve hrane v repertoarju razburljivih, včasih državnih dodatkov in namizne posode iz najrazličnejših materialov.

Volumen: 1,46 l / 49,37 fl. oz.
Premer: 80 mm
Višina (1 kos): 50 mm
Teža: 150 g

PLAYGROUND is a modern interpretation of stoneware: Aparte designs and fancy glazes set the tone. In use as a soloist or interesting companion for white porcelain. PLAYGROUND is the pure pleasure of experimenting, intuitively, humorously and professionally. To this end, PLAYGROUND brings into play an entertaining and varied assortment with regular updates. PLAYGROUND collects food and tableware trends for experimental food presentations in a repertoire of exciting, sometimes daring accessories and tableware items made from a wide variety of materials. And this long before they become mainstream.

Contents: 0.12 l / 4.06 fl. oz.
Diameter: 80 mm / 3.15 inch
Height (1 Piece): 50 mm / 1.97 inch
Weight: 150 g

SKU: 7 01 3508 91 021090