Jedilni nož Jardin - Robbe & Berking


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Jedilni nož Jardin proizvajalca Robbe & Berking je nepogrešljiv jedilni pribor in se uporablja za skoraj vsak obrok. Robbe & Berking poskrbi za uravnoteženost ročaja noža in prenese težišče noža na hrbet – tako da se rezilo nikoli ne dotakne prta. Te subtilne podrobnosti so tiste, ki poskrbijo za pravo popolnost. Rezilo menijskega noža je izdelano iz visokokakovostnega rezilnega jekla in je ročno skrbno vstavljeno v votel ročaj. Idealen za vsakodnevno uporabo.

Dolžina: 23,10 cm
Širina: 1,70 cm

18/8 stainless steel

Zbirka Jardin
Lahko rečete, da so ves jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla Robbe & Berking oblikovali strokovnjaki za srebro. Nežno padajoči ročaji v obliki lilije kosov kolekcije Jardin krasijo graciozni cvetlični motivi. Ni naključje, da se jedilni pribor imenuje Jardin, francoska beseda za "vrt". Kot čudovit šopek rož bo Jardin lepo zaključil vsako mizo. Set jedilnega pribora iz nerjavečega jekla z dekorativno eleganco, ki je kot nalašč za sproščeno, brezskrbno obedovanje.


The Jardin menu knife by Robbe & Berking is a flatware essential and is used for almost every meal. Robbe & Berking ensures that the knife handle is balanced and transfers the centre of gravity of the knife to the back - so that the blade never touches the tablecloth. It's these subtle details that make for true perfection. The blade of the menu knife is made of high-quality blade steel and is carefully fitted into the hollow handle by hand. Menu-size cutlery is smaller and more manageable than festive table cutlery, but larger than starter and dessert cutlery. This makes it ideal for everyday use.

Length: 23,10cm
Width: 1,70 cm

Jardin Collection
You can tell that all the stainless steel cutlery from Robbe & Berking was designed by silver experts. The gently sweeping, lily-shaped handles of pieces in the Jardin collection are adorned with graceful floral motifs. Cutlery made for an open-air feast in the garden. It's no coincidence that the cutlery is named Jardin, the French word for "garden". Like a beautiful bouquet of flowers, Jardin will finish any table beautifully. A stainless steel cutlery set with a decorative elegance that is perfect for relaxed, carefree dining.

SKU: 06506006