BWT avtomat za vodo AQA drink Pro 20 s samostoječo nogo
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Namizni aparat za vodo AQA drink Pro 20
Avtomat za vodo BWT z direktnim priklopom na vodovodno omrežje je pametna in trajnostna alternativa ustekleničeni vodi. V pisarnah, sejnih sobah, telovadnicah in trgovinah se vsak dan porabi nešteto plastenk in steklenic vode.
BWT ima idealno rešitev – Postrezite si svežo in prečiščeno vodo le s pritiskom na tipko.
Avtomat za vodo AQA Pro 20 s pomočjo filtra, ki uporablja patentirano tehnologijo BWT Magnesium Mineralized Water obogati vodo z magnezijem in zmanjša količino snovi, ki motijo vonj in okus, kot je klor. Zmanjšuje tudi težke kovine, kot so baker, svinec in nikelj.
Vgrajena ultrafiltracijska membrana zadrži 99,9999 % bakterij in zmanjša mikroplastiko do 1 mikrona.
Za zagotavljanje najvišje ravni dezinfekcije aparat na iztoku uporablja UV tehnologijo.
BWT pitnik za vodo ponuja tudi GAZIRANO VODO, ki jo pripravi iz plina CO2 popolnoma naravnega izvora izjemne čistosti namenjenega živilski industriji.
Namizna enota
Trojna higienska zaščita s higieno sistema BWT
3 možnosti vode : voda sobne temperature, ohlajena in gazirana
Pripadajoči deli aparata: aparat za vodo, instalacijski set za vodo, glava filtra, filter MPC 500 za filtriranje vode, instalacijski set CO².
Tehnične lastnosti:
Mere v mm (š x v x g): 23 x 39 x 36 cm
Višina iztoka: 21,5 cm
Število uporabnikov: do 20
Pretok ohlajene/gazirane vode: 20 l/h
Pretok vode sobne temperature: 20 l/h
Temperatura ohlajene vode: 4 - 12 °C
BWT MPC 500 filtrirna kartuša v povprečju prečisti 2.500L vode
Free standing unit AQA drink Pro 20
The AQA drink Pro 20 is a powerful, compact all-rounder and is suitable for all areas with medium water consumption - in the kitchen, in the office, in the gym or in shops. The unit is equipped with 3 water options - hot, chilled and still. The capacity is 20 l/h for chilled water and 9 l/h for hot water. BWT magnesium technology and integrated UV technology ensure extra hygiene.
Filter cartridge reduces microplastics
The Magnesium Mineralized Water Protect Care filter reduces odour- and taste-disrupting substances such as chlorine and heavy metals such as copper, lead and nickel. The patented BWT magnesium technology enriches the water with magnesium. The integrated ultrafiltration membrane retains 99.9999 % of bacteria and reduces microplastics down to 0.001 mm for hygienic safety.
Base cabinet
The base cabinet forms the basis for the free-standing version. It offers space for the filter and the CO2 bottle as well as an approx. 3 l waste water tank with waste water level sensor suspended in the upper area. Another advantage is the integrated cup dispenser, which can be filled with standard cups with a capacity of 180 ml.
Table top or free standing unit
Triple hygiene protection with BWT system hygiene
Simple use
3 water options for individual drinking pleasure
Integrated cup dispenser for free-standing unit
Scope of delivery: water dispenser, base cabinet (for free standing unit), water installation set, filter head, MPC filter, CO² installation set (for models with sparkling water)
Cold water: Yes
Dimensions in mm (w x h x d): 23 x 39 x 36 cm
Hot water: Yes
Number of users: up to 20
Sparkling water: No
Still water: Yes
Tap height: 21,5 cm
Water delivery cooled/sparkling: 20 l/h
Water delivery hot: 9 l/h
Water delivery still: 20 l/h
Water temperature cooled: 4 - 12 °C
Water temperature hot: 90 - 95 °C
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