4-delni set kozarcev za IPA pivo 540mL Spiegelau


Pickup available at Razstavni salon Škofja Loka

Usually ready in 4 hours

Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Kozarec SPIEGELAU IPA ima nov in edinstven dizajn, ustvarjen za podporo kompleksnim in hlapljivim aromam v pivu v slogu IPA.

Kozarec za pivo je bil razvit v sodelovanju z dvema vodilnima IPA pivovarjema v Združenih državah, Samom Calagionejem iz Dogfish Heada in Kenom Grossmanom iz Sierra Nevade.

Ta SPIEGELAUjev kozarec za obrtno pivo, zasnovan za predstavitev kompleksnih in privlačnih aromatičnih profilov piva IPA, ohranjanje penastega vrha, izboljšanje okusa in občutka v ustih ter ponuja udobno široko odprtino, da lahko pivec uživa v vsakem pivu, je prava posoda za uživanje IPA.

Kolekcijo Craft Beer sestavljajo po meri oblikovani kozarci za craft piva. Edinstvena oblika vsakega kozarca Craft Beer je bila razvita skozi vrsto oblikovalskih in degustacijskih delavnic v sodelovanju z mojstri pivovarji in strokovnjaki iz industrije. Po njihovem mnenju naši kozarci Craft Beer uspešno prenašajo kompleksnost arom na nosu, hkrati pa zagotavljajo optimalno teksturo, ravnovesje in intenzivnost okusa na ustih.

Ta izdelek je strojno izdelan. Zaradi proizvodnega procesa so možna majhna odstopanja pri merah. 

Ta izdelek je primeren za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju.

Leto oblikovanja: 2014
Prostornina: 540,0 ccm
Višina: 186,0 mm
Vrsta izdelave: strojna
Material: Kristal

The SPIEGELAU IPA glass has a new and unique design, created to support the complex and volatile aromas in IPA style beers. 

The beer glass has been developed in collaboration with two of the leading IPA brewers in the United States, Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head and Ken Grossman of Sierra Nevada.

Designed to showcase the complex and alluring aromatic profiles of IPA beers, preserve a frothy head, enhance taste and mouth feel, and present a comfortably wide opening for the drinker to savor each beer, this SPIEGELAU’s craft beer glass is the go-to vessel for enjoying IPA.

The Craft Beer collection is comprised of custom-shaped glasses for craft beers. The unique shape of each Craft Beer glass has been developed through a series of design and tasting workshops, in collaboration with master brewers and industry professionals. In their opinion, our Craft Beer glasses successfully deliver the complexity of aromas on the nose, while delivering the optimum texture, balance, and intensity of flavor on the palate. 

This product is machine-made. Due to the manufacturing process small tolerances in the measurements are possible. 

This item is dishwasher safe.

Year of design: 2014
Capacity: 540.0 ccm
Height: 186.0 mm
Type of Manufacturing: machine-made
Material: Crystal

SKU: 499 13 82