Marmelada iz borovnic Darbo Fancy
Pickup available at Razstavni salon Škofja Loka
Usually ready in 4 hours
Darbo popolnoma naravne marmelade so proizvedene po starih družinskih receptih. Nekoč in danes skrbno segrejejo in pridelajo le najboljše popolnoma zrele plodove, tako se ohrani njihov naravni okus. Za proizvodnjo se uporablja samo sadje, konzervirani sladkor in koncentrat limoninega soka. Darbo NE uporablja nobenih umetnih konzervansov ali arom. Darbo "vse naravne" marmelade vsebujejo samo naravne sestavine!
Zagotovite si poln okus najboljših vrtnih borovnic neposredno na vaši mizi.
Sestavine: sladkor, borovnice, voda, koncentrat limoninega soka, želirno sredstvo pektin. Narejeno iz 35g sadja na 100g. Proizvaja in polni: Darbo AG, Avstrija
Darbo "all natural" jams are produced according to old family recipes. Then and now only the best fully matured fruits are heatened carefully and produced. This way their natural taste is conserved.
Darbo "all natural" jams are also produced according to the "all natural" principle. That means that only fruits, preserving sugar and lemon juice concentrate are used for production. Darbo does NOT use any artificial preservatives or flavourings. Darbo "all natural" jams contain only natural ingredients!
Get now the full taste of best garden blueberries directly on your table.
Ingredients: sugar, blueberries, water, lemon juice concentrate, gelling agent pectin. Made from 35g of fruit per 100g. Produced and filled by: Darbo AG, Austria