Vilica za torto Atlantic Brillant - Robbe & Berking


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Vilice za torto Atlantic Brillant znamke Robbe & Berking so obvezne za vsako klubsko mizico. Visoko kakovost materiala lahko občutite v vsaki podrobnosti, vse do konic zob. Noben komplet jedilnega pribora ni popoln brez te vilice.

Dolžina: 14,90 cm
Širina: 2,20 cm

18/8 stainless steel

Zbirka Atlantic Brillant
Lahko rečete, da so ves jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla Robbe & Berking oblikovali strokovnjaki za srebro. Atlantic Brillant izpolnjuje najvišje standarde. Ta jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla iz kolekcije Robbe & Berking ima osupljiv profil in uravnotežena razmerja, ki ustvarjajo zgledno obliko. Vsak posamezen kos izstopa s preprostim dizajnom in elegantno, visoko polirano površino. Konci ročajev v kolekciji jedilnega pribora so rahlo zaobljeni, da se popolnoma prilegajo roki.


The Atlantic Brillant cake fork from Robbe & Berking is a must for any coffee table. You can feel the high quality of the material in every detail, right down to the tips of the tines. No cutlery set is complete without this staple piece.

Length: 14,90cm
Width: 2,20 cm

Atlantic Brillant Collection
You can tell that all the stainless steel cutlery from Robbe & Berking was designed by silver experts. Atlantic Brillant meets the very highest standards. This stainless steel cutlery from the Robbe & Berking collection features a striking profile and balanced proportions, creating an exemplary shape. Each individual piece stands out with a simple design and an elegant, highly polished surface. The ends of the handles in the cutlery collection are slightly rounded to fit perfectly in the hand.

SKU: 05806027