Žlica za kaviar Dante - posrebrena - Robbe & Berking


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Kulinarična odličnost vključuje izbiro popolnega orodja za hrano, ki jo strežete. Gourmet kolekcija Robbe & Berking naredi prav to. Ker bi pravo srebro reagiralo s kaviarjem, je posodica žlice za kaviar Dante izdelana iz visokokakovostne roževine. Posebna oblika enakomerno porazdeli kaviar. Žlička za kaviar odlično deluje, ko se uporablja skupaj z nožem za kaviar, škatlo za kaviar in kristalno skledo Robbe & Berking.

Dolžina: 18,50 cm
Širina: 3,30 cm

Zbirka Dante
"Poznavalec mora biti sposoben ceniti, kar je preprosto lepo, navadni ljudje pa se zadovoljijo z okraski", je zapisal Goethe. Dejstvo, da je »vse resnično lepo preprosto« (Sokrat), verjetno nikoli ni bilo bolj znano kot v klasični antiki. Dante je nova definicija te preprostosti in čistosti. Zaradi elegantnih razmerij je ta jedilni pribor prava mojstrovina, ki odraža estetsko odličnost našega časa.


Culinary excellence includes choosing the perfect tools for the food you’re serving. The Robbe & Berking gourmet collection does just that. Since real silver would react with caviar, the bowl of the Dante caviar spoon is made of high-quality horn. The special shape distributes the caviar evenly. The caviar spoon works its magic perfectly when used together with a caviar knife, caviar box and crystal bowl from Robbe & Berking.

Length: 18,50 cm
Width: 3,30 cm

Dante Collection
"The connoisseur must be able to appreciate what is simply beautiful, but the common run of people is satisfied with ornament", wrote Goethe. The fact that "everything truly beautiful is simple" (Socrates) was probably never more well known than in classical antiquity. Dante is the new definition of this simplicity and purity. The elegant proportions make this cutlery a true masterpiece reflecting the aesthetic excellence of our time.

SKU: 06202380