Kozarec za šampanjec - darilni set Martelé - posrebren - Robbe & Berking


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Darilo s stilom in šarmom: darilni kompleti iz kolekcije Martelé Bar navdušujejo s svojim brezčasnim dizajnom in poudarjajo uživanje in kultivirano barsko kulturo.

Visoka toplotna prevodnost srebra omogoča, da se šampanjec Martelé Robbe & Berking takoj prilagodi temperaturi pijače za izjemno osvežujoč in dolgotrajen užitek pitja. Sijaj srebra odseva iskrico in lepoto. Navsezadnje ni le hrana lahko paša za oči. Pijače morajo biti enako mamljive. In medtem ko je potreben le en trenutek neprevidnosti, da razbijete kristalni kozarec med sušenjem, so posrebrene skodelice Robbe & Berking nezlomljive.

Višina: 19,40 cm

Martelé je bil predstavljen ob 125. obletnici tovarne srebra. Ta jubilejna mojstrovina je del zbirke, polne srebra svetovnega razreda. Martelé črpa iz bogatih izkušenj neštetih generacij srebrnarjev. Prefinjena tehnika udarjanja ustvari mehko ukrivljene robove, ki stokrat odsevajo svetlobo. Površina jedilnega pribora Martelé se lesketa kot morje, obsijano z bleščečo mesečino.

Set sestavlja: 2 x Martelé kozarec za šampanjec in kvalitetna darilna embalaža.


A present with style and charm: the gift sets from the Martelé Bar Collection impress with their timeless design and make a statement for conscious enjoyment and cultivated bar culture.

The high thermal conductivity of the silver allows the Martelé champagne flute by Robbe & Berking to immediately adapt to the temperature of the drink, for exceptionally refreshing and long-lasting drinking pleasure. The shine of the silver reflects the sparkle and beauty of this very special drink like nothing else can. After all, it's not just food that can be a feast for the eyes. Drinks should be equally tantalising. And while it takes just one careless moment to break a crystal glass when drying it, Robbe & Berking silver-plated cups are unbreakable.

Height: 19,40 cm

Martelé was launched to mark the 125th anniversary of the silver factory. This anniversary masterpiece is part of a collection that is brimming with world-class silver. Martelé draws on the vast experience of countless generations of silversmiths. The delicate hammering technique creates softly curved bevels that reflect the light a hundred times over. The surface of Martelé cutlery shimmers like the sea bathed in gleaming moonlight.

The set consists of: 2 x Martelé Champagne flutes and high-quality gift packaging.

SKU: 06301598-1