Kozarec za rdeče vino Bordeaux 750mL Spiegelau Definition 6 pak.


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Bordeaux kozarec je kot nalašč za kompleksna rdeča vina srednjega do polnega telesa z visoko vsebnostjo tanina. Velika velikost tega kozarca omogoča, da se šopek popolnoma razvije in zgladi grobe robove. Poudarja sadje, zmanjšuje grenke lastnosti tanina in omogoča vinom, da dosežejo ravnovesje.

Definicija je razvoj dveh prejšnjih zbirk SPIEGELAU: Willsberger (1982) in Hybrid (2011). S pomočjo lastne nove tehnologije SPIEGELAU predstavlja sodobno kolekcijo tankih strojno izdelanih očal. Ti osupljivo elegantni kozarci so lahki kot peresce, v roki so popolnoma uravnovešeni in prikazujejo arome in okuse vina v najboljšem primeru. Ta izdelek je strojno izdelan. Zaradi postopka izdelave so možna majhna odstopanja v merah.

Ta izdelek je primeren za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju.
Ta paket vsebuje 6 kosov.

Prostornina: 750,0 ccm
Višina: 243,0 mm
Količina izdelkov: 6
Vrsta izdelave: strojna
Material: Kristal

The Bordeaux glass is perfect for medium to full-bodied, complex red wines that are high in tannin. The generous size of this glass allows the bouquet to develop fully, and smooths out the rough edges. It emphasises the fruit, playing down the bitter qualities of the tannin, and allows wines to achieve balance.

Definition is an evolution of two previous SPIEGELAU collections: Willsberger (1982) and Hybrid (2011). With the help of proprietary new technology, SPIEGELAU introduces a modern collection of thin machine-made glasses. These stunningly elegant glasses are light as a feather, feel perfectly balanced in hand, and showcase wine's aromas and flavors at their very best.This product is machine-made. Due to the manufacturing process small tolerances in the measurements are possible.

This item is dishwasher safe.
This pack contains 6 pieces.

Volume: 750.0 ccm
Height: 243.0 mm
Box quantity: 6
Type of Manufacturing: machine-made
Material: Crystal

SKU: 135 03 35