Kozarec belo vino 430mL Spiegelau Definition 6 pak.


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Definicija je razvoj dveh prejšnjih zbirk SPIEGELAU: Willsberger (1982) in Hybrid (2011). S pomočjo lastne nove tehnologije SPIEGELAU predstavlja sodobno kolekcijo tankih strojno izdelanih kozarcev. Ti osupljivo elegantni kozarci so lahki kot peresce, v roki so popolnoma uravnoteženi in prikazujejo arome in okuse vina v največji možni meri.

Prostornina: 435,0 ccm
Višina: 228,0 mm
Količina izdelkov: 6
Vrsta izdelave: strojna
Material: Kristal

Definition is an evolution of two previous SPIEGELAU collections: Willsberger (1982) and Hybrid (2011). With the help of proprietary new technology, SPIEGELAU introduces a modern collection of thin machine-made glasses. These stunningly elegant glasses are light as a feather, feel perfectly balanced in hand, and showcase wine's aromas and flavors at their very best.

Volume: 435.0 ccm
Height: 228.0 mm
Box quantity: 6
Type of Manufacturing: machine-made
Material: Crystal

SKU: 135 01 02