Eilles čaj Green Tea Sun of Asia - zeleni - 25 vrečk

By Eilles

Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

O tem čaju:
Prefinjen zeleni čaj s svežim okusom limone. Zapeljevanje vseh čutov na azijski način.
Zelene čaje je treba pustiti v vodi vsaj 3-4 minute.

Čaji EILLES prihajajo iz najboljših čajnih plantaž na svetu. Izbira je velika, saj čaj pridelujejo v več kot 40 državah. Veliko vrst prihaja iz Kitajske, Japonske in Indije. Severna Indija je znana po regiji Darjeeling s 73 plantažami na nadmorski višini do 2000 metrov, severovzhodna Indija po regiji Assam in močnih črnih čajih, južna Indija pa po čajih Nilgiri. Šrilanka, nekdanji Cejlon, je ena vodilnih svetovnih izvoznic čaja. Afrika s svojo novejšo tradicijo slovi po zeliščnem čaju Rooibos (rdeči grm). EILLES TEE - to je legendarna znamka čaja s 5 zvezdicami!

Zeleni čaj:
V bistvu je kofein, ki ga vsebuje čaj, isti alkaloid, ki ga najdemo v kavi. Bistvena razlika je v tem, da se pri kavi sproži fiziološki učinek. Kofein se veže z maščobami, skozi želodec preide v kri in vpliva na srce. Nasprotno pa se kofein v čaju veže na tanine in tako preko tankega črevesa doseže centralni živčni sistem. Posledično vas dlje ohranja mentalno budne. To dejstvo zagovarjajo številni menihi, ki pred meditacijo pogosto pijejo zeleni čaj. Poleg tega ima vsaka sorta čaja drugačen učinek, kar lahko določimo tudi s časom kuhanja in količino zelenega čaja.


About this tea: 
Refined green tea with a fresh lemon flavor. Seducing all the senses the Asian way.
Green teas should be allowed to infuse for at least 3-4 minutes

EILLES teas come from the best tea plantations in the world. The choice is large, as tea is grown in more than 40 countries. Many types come from China, Japan and India. North India is known for the Darjeeling region with 73 plantations at an altitude of up to 2,000 meters, North-East India for the Assam region and strong black teas, and South India for Nilgiri teas. Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, is one of the world's leading exporters of tea. With its more recent tradition, Africa is famous for the herbal tea Rooibos (red bush). EILLES TEE - this is a legendary 5-star tea brand!

Green tea:
Essentially, the caffeine contained in tea is the same alkaloid found in coffee. The major difference is that a physiological effect is triggered in the case of coffee. The caffeine binds with fats, passes into the blood through the stomach and affects the heart. In tea, in contrast, the caffeine is bonded to the tannins and thus reaches the central nervous system via the small intestine. As a result, it keeps you mentally alert for longer. This fact is not wasted on the many monks who often drink green tea before meditating. In addition, each variety of tea has a different effect, which can also be determined by the brewing time and quantity of the green tea.

SKU: 4855