Kozarec tumbler 413mL Spiegelau Soiree


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

SOIREE je sodobna in robustna serija stekel, ki je bila zasnovana posebej za večje zahteve glede odpornosti proti lomu in trajnosti. Zato je serija zelo dobro sprejeta tudi v hotelirstvu. Inovativna tehnologija platine v proizvodnem procesu naredi steklo SOIREE izjemno odporno na praske. Odpornost na pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju do 1500 ciklov kaže na odlične lastnosti izdelka te serije. Strojno pihano steklo prinaša pravi značaj vina in senzoriko. zaznavanje, medtem ko pijete v popolni harmoniji.

Prostornina: 0,41 l
Premer: 68 mm
Višina: 158 mm
Pakirano po: 12 kos
Cena za 1 kos

Izdelek je primeren za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju.

SOIREE is a modern and robust series of glass, which was specially designed for greater requirements in terms of resistance to breakage and durability. That is why the series is also very well accepted in the hotel industry. The innovative platinum technology in the production process makes SOIREE glass extremely resistant to scratches. Washing resistance in the dishwasher up to 1500 cycles shows the excellent properties of the product of this series.In different sizes, the focus is more than obvious on the theme of wine.The machine-blown glass brings the true character of the wine and sensory perception while you drink in perfect harmony.

Volume: 0.41 l
Diameter: 68mm
Height: 158mm
Packed for: 12 pcs
Price for 1 piece

The product is suitable for washing in the dishwasher.

SKU: 407 80 12