Jedilna vilica Atlantic Brillant - Robbe & Berking


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Vilice Atlantic Brillant menu znamke Robbe & Berking udobno ležijo v roki, so popolnoma uravnotežene in so eden od osnovnih elementov vsakega kompleta jedilnega pribora. Visoki standardi kakovosti Robbe & Berking so očitni vse do konice vsakega zoba. Idealen za vsakodnevno uporabo.

Dolžina: 20,00 cm
Širina: 2,70 cm

18/8 stainless steel

Zbirka Atlantic Brillant
Lahko rečete, da so ves jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla Robbe & Berking oblikovali strokovnjaki za srebro. Atlantic Brillant izpolnjuje najvišje standarde. Ta jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla iz kolekcije Robbe & Berking ima osupljiv profil in uravnotežena razmerja, ki ustvarjajo zgledno obliko. Vsak posamezen kos izstopa s preprostim dizajnom in elegantno, visoko polirano površino. Konci ročajev v kolekciji jedilnega pribora so rahlo zaobljeni, da se popolnoma prilegajo roki.


The Atlantic Brillant menu fork by Robbe & Berking rests comfortably in the hand, perfectly balanced, and is one of the basic elements of any cutlery set. The high quality standards of Robbe & Berking are evident right down to the tip of each tine. Menu-size cutlery is smaller and more manageable than festive table cutlery, but larger than starter and dessert cutlery. This makes it ideal for everyday use.

Length: 20,00cm
Width: 2,70 cm

Atlantic Brillant Collection
You can tell that all the stainless steel cutlery from Robbe & Berking was designed by silver experts. Atlantic Brillant meets the very highest standards. This stainless steel cutlery from the Robbe & Berking collection features a striking profile and balanced proportions, creating an exemplary shape. Each individual piece stands out with a simple design and an elegant, highly polished surface. The ends of the handles in the cutlery collection are slightly rounded to fit perfectly in the hand.

SKU: 05806005