Eilles čaj Rose Hip with Hibiscus - zeliščni - 25 vrečk
Pickup available at Razstavni salon Škofja Loka
Usually ready in 4 hours
O tem čaju:
Mešanica šipka in hibiskusa - poln in naraven okus.
Zeliščne čaje je treba pustiti v vodi vsaj 5-10 minut.
Čaji EILLES prihajajo iz najboljših čajnih plantaž na svetu. Izbira je velika, saj čaj pridelujejo v več kot 40 državah. Veliko vrst prihaja iz Kitajske, Japonske in Indije. Severna Indija je znana po regiji Darjeeling s 73 plantažami na nadmorski višini do 2000 metrov, severovzhodna Indija po regiji Assam in močnih črnih čajih, južna Indija pa po čajih Nilgiri. Šrilanka, nekdanji Cejlon, je ena vodilnih svetovnih izvoznic čaja. Afrika s svojo novejšo tradicijo slovi po zeliščnem čaju Rooibos (rdeči grm). EILLES TEE - to je legendarna znamka čaja s 5 zvezdicami!
Zeliščni čaj:
Rastlina, po kateri je čaj dobil ime, določa tudi njegov okus. Širok spekter okusov sega od blagih in sladkih do pikantnih. Nekateri so zaradi svoje intenzivnosti bolj primerni za lažjo prebavo po obrokih, drugi pa so tako blagi, da so še posebaj dobri za gašenje žeje. Z mešanjem zelišč, začimb in arom so možnosti za različne sorte zanimive in praktično neskončne. EILLES TEE je v mnogih letih izpopolnil umetnost sestavljanja novih sort in ustvarja nove mešanice z edinstvenimi okusi.
About this tea:
Blend of rosehip and hibiscus - full and natural taste.
Herbal teas should be allowed to infuse for at least 5-10 minutes
EILLES teas come from the best tea plantations in the world. The choice is large, as tea is grown in more than 40 countries. Many types come from China, Japan and India. North India is known for the Darjeeling region with 73 plantations at an altitude of up to 2,000 meters, North-East India for the Assam region and strong black teas, and South India for Nilgiri teas. Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, is one of the world's leading exporters of tea. With its more recent tradition, Africa is famous for the herbal tea Rooibos (red bush). EILLES TEE - this is a legendary 5-star tea brand!
Herbal tea:
The plant which gives the tea its name also determines its taste. The wide spectrum of flavours stretches from mild and sweet to tangy and
flavoursome. Some are more suitable as digestifs after meals due to their intensity, whilst others are so mild that they are especially good at
quenching thirst. Blending herbs, spices and flavourings makes the possibilities for different varieties interesting and practically endless.
EILLES TEE has perfected the art of composing new varieties over many years and creates new blends with unique flavours time and time