4-delni set otroškega jedilnega pribora WMF Safari


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Z otroškim jedilnim priborom WMF se najmlajši igrivo naučijo uporabljati nože, žlice in vilice. Z več kot 130 let izkušenj je WMF ustvaril otrokom prijazen jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla, ki navdušuje tudi z ljubko oblikovanimi motivi in ​​barvitimi slikami. Vsak 4-delni set je sestavljen iz otroškega noža, velike in male otroške žlice ter otroške vilice. Velikosti jedilnega pribora in močni ročaji so še posebej primerni za majhne roke in otroško motoriko. Noži vseh otroških jedilnih priborov WMF v starostni skupini 3+ imajo otroku prijazen nazobčan rob. Rob žlice ima zaobljene robove, kratki topi roglji otroške vilice pa se prilagajajo ustjem majhnih otrok. Dekor z različnimi motivi iz Disneyja je skrbno in izjemno natančno obdelan. Otroški jedilni pribor za starostno skupino 3+ je izdelan iz nerjavečega jekla Cromargan® 18/10, zato je izjemno trpežen in primeren za pranje v pomivalnem stroju. Za otroke od tretjega leta starosti, ki zelo uživajo v samostojnem hranjenju. Upoštevajte, da se lahko otroci ob nepravilni uporabi poškodujejo na rezila nožev in vilic.

Otroški jedilni pribor "Safari" je brezčasen model otroškega jedilnega pribora. Motivi so ljubki in prijetni, odtisnjeni pa so na jedilni pribor.

Vzdrževanje: Očistite v pomivalnem stroju
V paketu: 1x vilice, 1x žlica, 1x nož, 1x žlička
Material: nerjaveče jeklo Cromargan® 18/10
Barva: Nerjaveče jeklo


With WMF children's cutlery, little ones learn to use knives, spoons and forks playfully. More than 130 years of experience have created child-friendly cutlery made of stainless steel, which also impresses with lovingly designed motifs and colorful pictures. Each 4-piece set consists of a children's knife, a large and small children's spoon and a children's fork. Cutlery sizes and strong handles are especially suitable for small hands and children's motor skills. The knives of all WMF children's cutlery in the age group 3+ have a child-friendly serrated edge. The edge of the spoon has rounded edges and the short blunt prongs of the children's fork adapt to the mouths of small children. The decor with various motifs from Disney is carefully and extremely precisely processed. The children's cutlery for the age group 3+ is made of Cromargan® 18/10 stainless steel and is therefore extremely durable and suitable for washing in the dishwasher. For children from three years of age who really enjoy self-feeding. Please note that children can injure themselves on knife blades and fork prongs if used incorrectly.
Children's cutlery "Animals" is a timeless children's cutlery model. The motifs are cute and pleasant, and are imprinted on the cutlery.

Maintenance: Clean in the dishwasher
In the package: 1x fork, 1x spoon, 1x knife, 1x small spoon
Material: Cromargan® 18/10 stainless steel
Color: Stainless steel

SKU: 12.8002.6040