4-delni set kozarcev za pivo 750 mL Spiegelau


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Kozarec American Wheat Beer spodbuja sadno aromo, značilno za ameriško pšenično pivo in belgijski Witbier.

Ta kozarec je bil razvit v sodelovanju z Lauro Bell iz Bells Brewery. Oblika optimizira občutljivo in sadno aromo stila, izboljša mehko teksturo na ustih, hkrati pa ohranja ravnovesje z značilnim osvežujočim stilom. Kolekcijo Craft Beer sestavljajo po meri oblikovani kozarci za craft piva.

Edinstvena oblika vsakega kozarca Craft Beer je bila razvita skozi vrsto oblikovalskih in degustacijskih delavnic v sodelovanju z mojstri pivovarji in strokovnjaki iz industrije. Po njihovem mnenju naši kozarci Craft Beer uspešno prenašajo kompleksnost arom na nosu, hkrati pa zagotavljajo optimalno teksturo, ravnovesje in intenzivnost okusa na ustih. Ta izdelek je strojno izdelan. Zaradi postopka izdelave so možna majhna odstopanja v merah.

Ta izdelek je primeren za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju.

Leto oblikovanja: 2015
Prostornina: 750,0 ccm
Višina: 170,0 mm
Količina izdelkov: 4
Vrsta izdelave: strojna
Material: Kristal

The American Wheat Beer glass encourages the fruity ester aroma typical of American wheat beer and Belgian-style Witbier. 
This glass was developed in collaboration with Laura Bell of Bells Brewery. Ist shape optimses the style's delicate and fruity aroma, enhacing ist soft texture on the palate while still maintaining balance with ist characteristically refreshing style.The Craft Beer collection is comprised of custom-shaped glasses for craft beers.
The unique shape of each Craft Beer glass has been developed through a series of design and tasting workshops, in collaboration with master brewers and industry professionals. In their opinion, our Craft Beer glasses successfully deliver the complexity of aromas on the nose, while delivering the optimum texture, balance, and intensity of flavor on the palate.This product is machine-made. Due to the manufacturing process small tolerances in the measurements are possible.

This item is dishwasher safe.

Year of design: 2015
Volume: 750.0 ccm
Height: 170.0 mm
Box quantity: 4
Type of Manufacturing: machine-made
Material: Crystal

SKU: 499 13 83