4-delni set kozarcev za viski 330mL Nachtmann Bossa Nova


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Whisky Tumbler je odlična izbira za vrhunske viskije in druge elegantne pijače.
Zelo funkcionalni in izdelani iz visokokakovostnega kristala bodo ti vsestranski kozarci zagotovo naredili vtis.

Serija Bossa Nova ponuja barske in namizne izdelke z enako senzibilnostjo kot ples, po katerem je dobila ime. Kolekcija iz prozornega stekla z zanimivim teksturnim dizajnom, ki spominja na pleteno košaro, očara in zapelje konice prstov.

Ta izdelek je strojno izdelan. Zaradi postopka izdelave so možna majhna odstopanja v merah.
Ta izdelek je primeren za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju.
Ta paket vsebuje 4 kose.

Leto oblikovanja: 2013
Volumen: 330,0 ccm
Višina: 101,0 mm
Vrsta izdelave: strojna
Material: Kristal


The Whisky Tumbler is the perfect choice for fine whiskies and other elegant drinks. 
Highly functional and produced in high-quality crystal, these versatile tumblers are sure to make an impression.

The Bossa Nova series offers barware and tableware with the same cool sensibility as the dance for which it is named. The collection adds interest to its clear glass collection with a textural basketweave design to seduce the fingertips.

This product is machine-made. Due to the manufacturing process small tolerances in the measurements are possible.
This item is dishwasher safe.
This pack contains 4 pieces.

Year of design: 2013
Volume: 330.0 ccm
Height: 101.0 mm
Box quantity: 4
Type of Manufacturing: machine-made
Material: Crystal

SKU: 92076