2-delni set nožev za sir WMF Nuova
Pickup available at Razstavni salon Škofja Loka
Usually ready in 4 hours
Kakor raznolik je sir s številnimi oblikami, sortami in velikostmi, tako raznoliki so tudi načini njegovega rezanja. Zlasti pri rezanju na sirnem krožniku mora vsak kos sira ostati prijeten. Z dvodelnim sirarskim kompletom Nuova v brezčasnem in elegantnem dizajnu zlahka in natančno narežite trdi sir in poltrdi sir – na debele ali tanke rezine, velike ali majhne kose, kakor želite. Tako sekira za sir kot nož za sir imata izjemno ostro rezilo, ki je na obeh straneh zoženo, kar zagotavlja gladek in raven rez. Praktična funkcija: luknje v nožu za sir preprečujejo, da bi se mehki sir oprijel na rezilo. Oba artikla sta robustna, nevtralnega okusa, higienska in primerna za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju.
Dimenzija: 26 cm
Set je sestavljen iz: 1 x nož za sir, 1 x sekirica za sir
As diverse cheese is with its many shapes, varieties and sizes, as varied are the methods for cutting it. When cutting on a cheese platter in particular, each piece of cheese needs to stay looking appetizing. With the Nuova two-piece cheese set in a timeless and elegant design, effortlessly cut hard cheese and semi-hard cheese neatly and with precision – in thick or thin slices, in large or small pieces, as you wish. Both the cheese hatchet and the cheese knife have an extremely sharp blade that is tapered on both sides to ensure a smooth and straight cut. A practical feature: The holes in the cheese knife prevent soft cheese from sticking to the blade. Both items are robust, neutral taste, hygienic and dishwasher safe.
Dimension: 26 Cm
Set consists of: 1 x Cheese knife, 1 x Cheese hatchet