Jedilna žlica Como - Robbe & Berking


Po dogovoru je prevzem možen tudi v Jura Store Ljubljana (Na jami 18.) - pustite sporočilo v postopku nakupa

Žlica Como menu znamke Robbe & Berking udobno leži v roki, je popolnoma uravnotežena in je eden od osnovnih elementov vsakega kompleta jedilnega pribora. Posodica žlice za meni je zelo skrbno obdelana, da se počutite čudovito v ustih. Idealen za vsakodnevno uporabo.

Dolžina: 20,00 cm
Širina: 4,30 cm

18/8 stainless steel

Lahko rečete, da so ves jedilni pribor iz nerjavečega jekla Robbe & Berking oblikovali strokovnjaki za srebro. Poznavalci obožujejo harmonične linije, tekoče prehode in elegantno kiparsko kakovost kolekcije Como. Steblo je oblikovano kot eleganten lok. Dizajn ima značilno estetiko Robbe & Berking in vzpostavlja ravnovesje med obliko, funkcijo in materialom.

The Como menu spoon by Robbe & Berking rests comfortably in the hand, perfectly balanced, and is one of the basic elements of any cutlery set. The bowl of the menu spoon is finished very carefully to feel wonderful in your mouth. Menu-size cutlery is smaller and more manageable than festive table cutlery, but larger than starter and dessert cutlery. This makes it ideal for everyday use.

Length: 20,0 cm
Width: 4,30 cm

You can tell that all the stainless steel cutlery from Robbe & Berking was designed by silver experts. Connoisseurs love the harmonious lines, flowing transitions and elegant sculptural quality of the Como collection. The stem is shaped like a graceful arch. The design has the signature Robbe & Berking aesthetic and strikes a balance between form, function and material.

SKU: 05106004